Selasa, 22 Maret 2016

How To Increase The Production of Breast Milk

Along with an appeal from WHO to require exclusive breast milk for 6 months for the newborn baby as I discussed in the article on Exclusive Breastfeeding, the new mother tried hard to breastfeed her baby for 6 months without the addition of milk formula, plain water or other solid food. Many mothers who failed to provide exclusive breast milk to her baby for reasons of breast milk a little or inadequate daily necessities of a baby. Whereas the system of production of breast milk that was based on supply and demand. How many baby's needs, then that much also breast milk produced at the breast. To improve the production of breast milk and keep the stability number, nursing mothers are required to eat nutritious foods and drinking lots of plain water.

How To Increase The Production of Breast Milk
How To Improve The Production of Breast Milk

Food and drinks can help production of breast milk:
  • Leaves of Coleus amboinicus Latin names Torbangun leaves. Research on Torbangun leaves that serves as a breastmilk booster laktogog galaktogog already exists, but is not yet strong enough evidence that Torbangun leaves it significantly increases the production of breast milk by means of releasing the hormone prolactin. Because research on efficacy efficacy of leaf torbangun is still a bit limited, then the side effects on the mother and baby are still little known.
  • The Oatmeal
    is a good source of iron. As it known that mothers suffering from anemia may result in decreased production of breast milk so that when the mother consumes food containing iron can help cure anemia mother so that the mother's breast milk production also increased.
  • A variety of green vegetables.
    Like katuk and spinach. Not only requires energy, when breastfeeding, mothers also need vitamin and mineral intake. Green leafy vegetables contain a lot of calcium, iron, vitamin A and folic acid
  • Fruits contain lots of water such as watermelon, pears and melon
    Most of the content of breast milk is water, so it can be ascertained that the mother must meet water needs.
  • Fruit and vegetables orange creature.
    Such as carrots and papaya contains phytoestrogen, beta carotene and vitamin A required nursing mothers so that the production of breast milk remains a lot. The way of processing carrots in order to obtain benefits is with the Juiced.
  • Asparagus
    High in fiber, folic acid, vitamin A and K make asparagus being one of foodstuffs required nursing mothers. Asparagus also contains Phytoestrogens that also helps the production of breast milk. In addition, the asparagus also contain essential amino acids and tryptophan which can stimulate prolactin (a hormone in the production of breast milk).
  • Salmon
    Salmon are a source of essential fatty acids and omega 3 fatty acids which are considered as a galactagogue. Another reason why nursing mothers need essential fatty acids and omega 3 fatty acids is to improve nutrition nursing mother so he could produce hormones that are necessary for the production of breast milk. In addition, essential fatty acids are part of breast milk so that the production of breast milk has become qualified.
  • Fenugreek
    Fenugreek Trigonella foenum-Latin name graecum l., is one of the most famous herbal especially in the United States as a Booster of breast milk. Some research already done there is still conflict, in the sense of a study in which mothers who consume a minimum of 3500 mg per day increased u.s. production while other studies are still questioning the efficacy of fenugreek as a booster of breast milk.
  • Nuts
    consume the snack nut either directly or made of processed foods such as soy milk can also help to increase breast milk.

How To Improve The Production of Breast Milk
Food and drinks can help production of breast milk

In addition to consuming food and beverages above, another important thing that has to be the mother did was keep emotional stability, keep a positive thought, always happy and doing activities that mommies love. In doing so, the body and soul of mommies remain relaxed so that the production of breast milk kept awake.

That last article I discussed about How to Increase The Production of Breast Milk. I hope the article How to Increase The Production of Breast Milk may help mommies who have problems with the production of breast milk. Congratulations breastfeeding mommies. Thanks for visit

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