Jumat, 25 Maret 2016

The Stages of Introducing Baby to Solid Food

Previously I discussed about  How To Increase The Production of Breast Milk, I now discuss about The Stages of Introducing Baby Solid Food. After the baby is only given breast milk alone for 6 months or so called exclusive breast milk, it is time the baby was introduced to solid food first.

The feeding of the child should be adjusted with the stages of the development of the body. As a small man who was busy developing, in dire need of nutrients. Do not let her lack of intake of nutrients because their effect is very fatal once, even until later adulthood. Breast milk alone is not enough make children over 6 months.

The Stages of Introducing Baby Solid Food 

The Stages of Introducing Baby Solid Food
The Stages of Introducing Baby Solid Food 


In breast feeding according to WHO this is easy, the baby could eat just about anything from the family dinner table and must be considered: frequency, amount, thickness, variety, activeresponsive feeding and hygiene.

  • Even after the baby is 6 months old (7 months 30 days), the frequency of eating big first solid food given in stages 2 – 3 times a day.
  • At the age of 6 – 8 months 29 days, the frequency of the main food (great meal) are given 3 times. Give a snack such as fruit or biscuits 1 – 2 times a day.
  • At age 9 – 11 months 29 days, the frequency of the main meals (eat) given 3 – 4 times a day. Give a snack 1 – 2 times a day.
  • At the age of 12 – 24 months, the frequency of the main meals (eat) given 3 – 4 times a day and also 1 – 2 times an extra snack.
The reason why the frequency of feeding children must often is because forced-eating food little by little when the vacuum intake of calories and nutrients that he had so seriously.
Meal times should be adjusted with the family meal time so that the baby is learning to eat more excitement. But don't get too close to the time clock cots.

Measure The Amount of Food Given

The frequency and amount of eating just the right food given in solid food guide version WHO adjusts to baby's stomach capacity and the average calorie content of Calories in porridge is estimated to be approximately 0.8 kcalgram. Capacity size baby's stomach is still small well. Newborn size only of his marbles, 3 days of increases amounting to ball bead seats and age increased to 1 week of ping pong balls. Well, this measure will gradually enlarges the size of a tennis ball in infants aged 6 – 12 months (there are sources that write down the magnitude of the stomach of the baby the size of a fist his hands).
  • According to research, the capacity of the stomach that baby around 30 g of food/kg body weight.
  • At the beginning at the age of 6 months the amount of food given by measure about 2-3 tablespoons per time allotment.
  • At the age of 6 – 8 months 29 days, the number of rulers ' food is raised gradually from 2 – 3 tablespoons into ½ cangkirmangkok (125 mL) per time allotment. So when an infant aged 6 months 2 weeks be expected already smoothly packed so that it can be given a bowl of half rate (125 mL) while eating. – the size of the Cup Bowl used 250 mL.
  • At age 9 – 11 months 29 days, the amount of food was raised by measure, gradually becoming Bowl ½ Cup (125 mL) – 250 mL Bowl Cup size.
  • At the age of 12 – 24 months, the amount of food was raised by measure, gradually became the Bowl ¾ – 1 cup (250 mL – 175) – 250 mL Bowl Cup size. 


The Texture of Solid Foods

According to the instructions of the WHO, at the age of 6 months given texture is finely pulverized food (pureed or mashed food filter, which pounded/mashed). Make sure the food is not too liquid texture or dilute, so use little water. So the texture of liquid slurry, but if a spoon is tilted the porridge does not spill.
  • At the age of 8 months babies can already introduced with food finger food.
  • At age 9 – 11 months 29 days the texture of food raised to mushy foods (rice, porridge without food filtered, finely chopped or sliced food-soft).
  • At the age of 12 months the texture of baby food could've been eating table food families: coarse chopped, sliced or hand-held.
The texture of this food adapted to the development of the nervous system and oro-motor's baby. On top of the already delivered about the emptiness of the supply of energy and nutrients the stomach size is also small. So we can only give a little amount of food but the frequency is often a good idea, it is also easy to digest.

The selection of food texture is adjustable as well with the process of digestion of food. The process of digestion of food there are two stages, namely mechanical digestion by oro-motor mandible teeth and digestive enzyme enzymatic reaction by chemically breaking food. Enzymatic reaction would be perfect if the surface area of the touch between the particles the more efficient, so that the particle size of materials ingested food should've been small.

Texture of Solid Food

The Stages of Introducing Baby Solid Food
Image from here

The Stages of Introducing Baby Solid Food 

The Stages of Introducing Baby Solid Food
Image from here

The Physical Ability Of Infants To Eat

Infants aged 5 months learning new moves the jaw joint and the more powerful suction reflex.
  •  Baby 7 months old can clean the spoon using his lips. The current baby of the jaw joint can move up and down the tooth also still whit new usually have incisors on duty cut not grind the food, so the process to chew the cud and the resulting particles are still rough. 
  • Started 8 months baby has been able to move his tongue to the side and push the food to teeth-geliginya, the more stable balance and hold so she can already receive food finger food.
  • 10 months is the critical time of expected baby can already eat semi-solid food texture ("lumpy" solid food) so that it began to introduce the food mushy with no strain on aged 9 months. If late raise food texture then children will be increasingly difficult to eat foods that are more dense. 
  • 12 month baby has the jaw joint is stable and able to perform the movement of rotation so that could've been more sophisticated in chewing food texture grainy. At this point the baby is ready to eat the food table as eaten by the family.
If the baby were forced to eat solid foods early own-for example as in the baby led weaning must be considered also the risk of choking that is still very large. That's an article about The Stages of Introducing Baby Solid Food. I hope this article The Stages of Introducing Baby Solid Food can help you who are confused about infant feeding guidelines. Please read other related articles. Thanks for visit http://babyworldss.blogspot.com/

 Related article : homemade baby food with breastmilk homemade baby food 6-8 months homemade baby food 6 month old homemade baby food 6 to 9 months homemade baby food 6-12 month

Selasa, 22 Maret 2016

How To Increase The Production of Breast Milk

Along with an appeal from WHO to require exclusive breast milk for 6 months for the newborn baby as I discussed in the article on Exclusive Breastfeeding, the new mother tried hard to breastfeed her baby for 6 months without the addition of milk formula, plain water or other solid food. Many mothers who failed to provide exclusive breast milk to her baby for reasons of breast milk a little or inadequate daily necessities of a baby. Whereas the system of production of breast milk that was based on supply and demand. How many baby's needs, then that much also breast milk produced at the breast. To improve the production of breast milk and keep the stability number, nursing mothers are required to eat nutritious foods and drinking lots of plain water.

How To Increase The Production of Breast Milk
How To Improve The Production of Breast Milk

Food and drinks can help production of breast milk:
  • Leaves of Coleus amboinicus Latin names Torbangun leaves. Research on Torbangun leaves that serves as a breastmilk booster laktogog galaktogog already exists, but is not yet strong enough evidence that Torbangun leaves it significantly increases the production of breast milk by means of releasing the hormone prolactin. Because research on efficacy efficacy of leaf torbangun is still a bit limited, then the side effects on the mother and baby are still little known.
  • The Oatmeal
    is a good source of iron. As it known that mothers suffering from anemia may result in decreased production of breast milk so that when the mother consumes food containing iron can help cure anemia mother so that the mother's breast milk production also increased.
  • A variety of green vegetables.
    Like katuk and spinach. Not only requires energy, when breastfeeding, mothers also need vitamin and mineral intake. Green leafy vegetables contain a lot of calcium, iron, vitamin A and folic acid
  • Fruits contain lots of water such as watermelon, pears and melon
    Most of the content of breast milk is water, so it can be ascertained that the mother must meet water needs.
  • Fruit and vegetables orange creature.
    Such as carrots and papaya contains phytoestrogen, beta carotene and vitamin A required nursing mothers so that the production of breast milk remains a lot. The way of processing carrots in order to obtain benefits is with the Juiced.
  • Asparagus
    High in fiber, folic acid, vitamin A and K make asparagus being one of foodstuffs required nursing mothers. Asparagus also contains Phytoestrogens that also helps the production of breast milk. In addition, the asparagus also contain essential amino acids and tryptophan which can stimulate prolactin (a hormone in the production of breast milk).
  • Salmon
    Salmon are a source of essential fatty acids and omega 3 fatty acids which are considered as a galactagogue. Another reason why nursing mothers need essential fatty acids and omega 3 fatty acids is to improve nutrition nursing mother so he could produce hormones that are necessary for the production of breast milk. In addition, essential fatty acids are part of breast milk so that the production of breast milk has become qualified.
  • Fenugreek
    Fenugreek Trigonella foenum-Latin name graecum l., is one of the most famous herbal especially in the United States as a Booster of breast milk. Some research already done there is still conflict, in the sense of a study in which mothers who consume a minimum of 3500 mg per day increased u.s. production while other studies are still questioning the efficacy of fenugreek as a booster of breast milk.
  • Nuts
    consume the snack nut either directly or made of processed foods such as soy milk can also help to increase breast milk.

How To Improve The Production of Breast Milk
Food and drinks can help production of breast milk

In addition to consuming food and beverages above, another important thing that has to be the mother did was keep emotional stability, keep a positive thought, always happy and doing activities that mommies love. In doing so, the body and soul of mommies remain relaxed so that the production of breast milk kept awake.

That last article I discussed about How to Increase The Production of Breast Milk. I hope the article How to Increase The Production of Breast Milk may help mommies who have problems with the production of breast milk. Congratulations breastfeeding mommies. Thanks for visit http://babyworldss.blogspot.com/

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how to increase the production of breastmilk how to increase production of breast milk home remedies how to increase production of breast milk while pumping how to increase production of breast milk naturally how to increase my production of breast milk how to increase breast milk production fast how to increase breast milk production while exclusively pumping how to increase breast milk production while working how to increase breast milk production after stopping how to increase breast milk production using fenugreek

Kamis, 17 Maret 2016

Exclusive Breastfeeding

In today's modern era, the family among the medium and above already understand the information, must also understand the virtue of exclusive breastfeeding and apply it. Even for Working Moms, there's a way so that the baby gets breast milk remains the exclusive method of breast milk dairy which I will discuss in the next article. Ironically, among the intermediate and under who have not got the knowledge about the benefits of breast milk exclusively. Most of the families are classified as not being able to even do not provide exclusive breast milk for her baby. So from the beginning the birth of baby milk formula was given by reason of insufficient breast milk. And at the age of 1 month, babies already given instant baby porridge. Calculate just how much spending on families with difficult economy to provide the food needs of a newborn baby. Though God already provides breast milk naturally, free with the composition and the benefits which the milk formula with highest price though. This sad phenomenon I see and experience when my husband stood for Office in one of the outlying islands.

In the article Breastfeeding Problems and Difficulties I discussed about the problems experienced when breastfeeding along with how to get it done. If the mommies already know how to solve the problem that exists when breastfeeding, breastfeeding baby mommies can then exclusively for 6 months and continues until the baby is two years old or more. What is exclusive breast milk? And why should for 6 months? The following explanation.

 According to WHO, is of exclusive breast milk given to the first six months of the newborn in the absence of other complementary foods. So, from the beginning of his birth, the baby directly taught initiation suckle early in a way put on mother's chest and left looking nipples and sucking creep colostrum. Although at the beginning the birth of asi has not produced much, but should keep feeding the baby because the colostrum was first produced and it is very beneficial to the baby.

Thus began the beginning of birth to 6 months old, babies only consume breast milk. Without any additional infant formula or baby porridge. And this is a rule set by the WHO. Infants should only be given milk formula if there is a medical indication and it must be through examination by a doctor.

exclusive breastfeeding
Image from here


In the previous article I have explained the benefits of breast milk. While the benefits of the baby gets Exclusive Breastfeeding, namely: 
  • Babies have stronger gastrointestinal. This is because breast milk has natural composition. That is easily digested by baby so baby who only consume breast milk do not experience constipation or diarrhea.
  • Digestive system of infants who consume only breast milk for six months has grown well and ready to receive solid food. Later, the baby will be spared from digestive system problems such as gastritis or peptic ulcers. Because the digestive system are not forced to work beyond his capabilities and capacity. Imagine if baby's digestion is already processing solid food at his age is a matter of weeks?!
  • Avoid the risk of choking Babies because at the age of 6 months of reflex swallowing and chewing is already better.
  • Breastfeeding exclusively for six months, preventing the occurrence of ovulation and avoid the risk of the use of hormonal contraceptives.
In addition to some of the above benefits, according to the WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION report in 2000, breast milk exclusive lowering the risk of sudden infant death as well as lowering the risk of the baby developing. And in a State of emergency such as natural disasters or war, breastfeeding is the most effective and hygienic measures to meet the needs of babies under 2 years old.

That's the article that discusses the exclusive breastfeeding. Hopefully with this article exclusive breastfeeding, new moms who are in doubt with the lure of infant formula was a little motivated to try their breast milk exclusively for her baby. Thanks for visit http://babyworldss.blogspot.com/

Related Article : 
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Rabu, 16 Maret 2016


At this time I will discuss about The Benefits of Colostrum. Mommies who recently gave birth, and try breastfeeding certainly obtain a yellowish viscous fluid called colostrum. Colostrum is the milk that came out during the pregnancy until 3-4 days after your baby is born. Also called as the premilk, produced before the mature breast milk.

Colostrum has a lot of benefits for the baby in the early birth. Colostrum can maintain and protect the baby, and contain substances that are needed. In addition, Colostrum also easily digestible, very rich in protein, low in fat and carbohydrates, and contain living cells that can protect your baby from many viruses and bacteria.

The Benefits of Colostrum
 image from here

The Benefits of Colostrum

The production of colostrum very little when compared to mature breast milk. However, although the number is very few, Colostrum contain very much and rewarding. Among the materials or content contained in colostrum are:
  • Antibodies and immunoglobulin. This substance is very beneficial to inhibit microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses and fungi in the bowel in order not to get into the body's tissues.
  • Lactoferrin. Useful transport iron to red blood cells, as well as keep the bacteria or virus do not become malignant.
  • ProLine rich polipeptide. It serves to organize and support the glandular system working the thymus, immune to.
  • Lactalbumin. Beneficial to fight cancer cells.
  • Glycoproteins. Useful to protect immune factors and growth when passing through the digestive tract.

Colostrum in mother's breast milk is a laxative or laxative that can throw out the mekonium from the intestine, as well as solve of bilirubin i.e. substances that can make the baby turn yellow.

At the time, about two weeks after birth, this will change to colostrum breast milk as we know color and its nature. That's the advantage of colostrum in breast milk that is not owned by baby formula. To know the comparison of breast milk and infant formula, can be read in the article Breast Milk and Savings

That's the article that contains information about The Benefits of Colostrum. May be useful for mothers who are in the early days of breastfeeding. I hope the article about The Benefits of Colostrum can help you to understand more about the importance of breast milk especially colostrum. Thanks for visit http://babyworldss.blogspot.com/

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Senin, 14 Maret 2016

Breastfeeding Problems and Difficulties

In the article Benefits of Breast Milk and  Breast Milk and Savings I have discussed about the benefits of breast feeding and things just about anything that can be saved. However, although breastfeeding was a natural process that does not mean there are no constraints. most of the mothers (including me) are experiencing a variety of drama during the early days of breastfeeding. What enrichment of  such things?

Breastfeeding Problems and Difficulties
    Mastitis is the inflammation that occurs in the breast, can at the right or left. If you experience this, we recommend that you immediately to a doctor to get the handling, because if ignored can lead to an infection spread to my entire body accompanied with fever.


    Breast swelling, redness, pain and there are function disorders, as well as Mommies experiencing fever. In contrast to the usual swelling, Mastitis may result in breast milk that are issued in the form of pus. In addition, the pain also make very uncomfortable mothers when breastfeeding. so the effect on the hormone oxytocin hormone that regulates expenses i.e. breast milk from the breast in a highly regulated by a sense of happy and relaxed mother. 

Breastfeeding Problems


That is the condition of a nipple that is undergoing cuts.


99 problems nipple sores caused by latch on (sticking a baby's mouth to breast) are not perfect. Therefore, the position of sticking right to the breastfeeding mommies is crucial. When blisters can be treated with ASI slathered on the nipples are blisters.

Breastfeeding Problems
shape of the nipples


Namely, the flow of breast milk that does not smoothly, from bags of breast milk to the nipple.
It could be due to the pressure and finally cause the flow is shrinking. If this happens, the mommies have to massage the part in the form of a lump in the breast along with feeding the baby.


Based on the anatomy of the body, the shape of the nipples there is normal, then the short – meaning that the shape is not high. Then there's the flat, too big and there are also entered.
Things to keep in mind for the new mother, that baby's mouth sticking nipples or known as the latch on. Position latch on can arguably be successful when area aerola join goes into the baby's mouth – in addition to will launch production of breast milk, sticking that perfect will also minimize Mommies nipples hurt.
If the mother has a flat nipples or is too large, is not a constraint in breastfeeding. the baby should remain with the mother's nipples were introduced, whatever its form. When was accustomed and learn adhesions, the baby would easily accept breast-feeding.


Tongue-told or language generally tongue tied, i.e. deformities or frenulum of the tongue strap. Tongue strap should not be bound so that baby can suckle smoothly.
Frenulum normally should be elastic and do not interfere with the movement of the tongue. When the frenulum is short, thick and rigid, then the function of the sucking, eating, and talking, on a child, can be disrupted. In lactation, tongue symptoms in infants told look of pain at the time of breast feeding a baby.

There are some signs of tongue-told the mother:
The mother chafed nipples, even up to a bloody mouth, due to a baby just stuck to the nipple and gum "to chew" nipple. Baby's tongue that can not be exceeded no lips or gums, could not protect the nipple. Feeding problems got worse when the mother's nipple size large or flat.
Nipples looks squashed after breastfeeding the baby, the baby's gums cause is depressed.
There are white markings around the nipple, the former pressure when you are finished nursing.
The mother suffered inflammation of the breast because breast milk mastitis, or which should be issued is stuck and causing blockage in channel of breast milk.

 That's the article about Breastfeeding Problems and Difficulties which discussed difficulties that interfere with the process of breastfeeding. Mommies need to know what difficulties experienced. Don't hesitate to contact the competent health workforce as a midwife or lactation counselor support breastmilk. Congratulations breastfeeding mommies. Thank you have visit http://babyworldss.blogspot.com/

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breastfeeding problems breastfeeding problems flat nipples breastfeeding problems newborns breastfeeding problems latching on breastfeeding problems and solutions breastfeeding problems after frenectomy breastfeeding problems jaundice breastfeeding problems mastitis treatment breastfeeding problems tongue tie.