Senin, 14 Maret 2016

Breastfeeding Problems and Difficulties

In the article Benefits of Breast Milk and  Breast Milk and Savings I have discussed about the benefits of breast feeding and things just about anything that can be saved. However, although breastfeeding was a natural process that does not mean there are no constraints. most of the mothers (including me) are experiencing a variety of drama during the early days of breastfeeding. What enrichment of  such things?

Breastfeeding Problems and Difficulties
    Mastitis is the inflammation that occurs in the breast, can at the right or left. If you experience this, we recommend that you immediately to a doctor to get the handling, because if ignored can lead to an infection spread to my entire body accompanied with fever.


    Breast swelling, redness, pain and there are function disorders, as well as Mommies experiencing fever. In contrast to the usual swelling, Mastitis may result in breast milk that are issued in the form of pus. In addition, the pain also make very uncomfortable mothers when breastfeeding. so the effect on the hormone oxytocin hormone that regulates expenses i.e. breast milk from the breast in a highly regulated by a sense of happy and relaxed mother. 

Breastfeeding Problems


That is the condition of a nipple that is undergoing cuts.


99 problems nipple sores caused by latch on (sticking a baby's mouth to breast) are not perfect. Therefore, the position of sticking right to the breastfeeding mommies is crucial. When blisters can be treated with ASI slathered on the nipples are blisters.

Breastfeeding Problems
shape of the nipples


Namely, the flow of breast milk that does not smoothly, from bags of breast milk to the nipple.
It could be due to the pressure and finally cause the flow is shrinking. If this happens, the mommies have to massage the part in the form of a lump in the breast along with feeding the baby.


Based on the anatomy of the body, the shape of the nipples there is normal, then the short – meaning that the shape is not high. Then there's the flat, too big and there are also entered.
Things to keep in mind for the new mother, that baby's mouth sticking nipples or known as the latch on. Position latch on can arguably be successful when area aerola join goes into the baby's mouth – in addition to will launch production of breast milk, sticking that perfect will also minimize Mommies nipples hurt.
If the mother has a flat nipples or is too large, is not a constraint in breastfeeding. the baby should remain with the mother's nipples were introduced, whatever its form. When was accustomed and learn adhesions, the baby would easily accept breast-feeding.


Tongue-told or language generally tongue tied, i.e. deformities or frenulum of the tongue strap. Tongue strap should not be bound so that baby can suckle smoothly.
Frenulum normally should be elastic and do not interfere with the movement of the tongue. When the frenulum is short, thick and rigid, then the function of the sucking, eating, and talking, on a child, can be disrupted. In lactation, tongue symptoms in infants told look of pain at the time of breast feeding a baby.

There are some signs of tongue-told the mother:
The mother chafed nipples, even up to a bloody mouth, due to a baby just stuck to the nipple and gum "to chew" nipple. Baby's tongue that can not be exceeded no lips or gums, could not protect the nipple. Feeding problems got worse when the mother's nipple size large or flat.
Nipples looks squashed after breastfeeding the baby, the baby's gums cause is depressed.
There are white markings around the nipple, the former pressure when you are finished nursing.
The mother suffered inflammation of the breast because breast milk mastitis, or which should be issued is stuck and causing blockage in channel of breast milk.

 That's the article about Breastfeeding Problems and Difficulties which discussed difficulties that interfere with the process of breastfeeding. Mommies need to know what difficulties experienced. Don't hesitate to contact the competent health workforce as a midwife or lactation counselor support breastmilk. Congratulations breastfeeding mommies. Thank you have visit

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